To take practice it is convenient that you read every day out loud to get confidence and interpret while you read, it puts emotion. Specialists recommend memorizing phrases and saying them out loud expressing different emotions. Happiness sadness and in neutral state. You have to know what mood you want to transmit, if it is something sad like the farewell in the hospital of your uncle who a decade ago you do not see you do not do it super happy and smiling, it is a sad event ....
A very good technique is that you record yourself in audio monologues. Which can show you how you do it and can be used to correct mistakes in diction, vocalization and even to realize the pauses.
The breaks ... and the breaks. It is one of the most important things when it comes to "talking" in general. Let's imagine that we do not pause when speaking ... Where do we take the air if we do not take breaks?
And above all ... people would be able to understand us?
Breathing is a fundamental part of dubbing, if we maintain a good rhythm at the time of breathing we can pronounce and vocalize better.
In the dubbing the pauses are very important, it depends on the duration of a pause you can express many things. With practice you will learn and limara those little mistakes that you may have. By the way ... do you remember the exercise to vocalize that I put in the previous blog?
Well today I bring you another, because learning to vocalize is very important and you have to practice every day.
To be a dubbing actor you have to be an exceptional speaker, and not all the speakers get to be dubbers if they do not know how to interpret a text.
If you have an educational tone of voice or a journalistic sound maybe your thing is not the interpretation and the dubbing. If you can not get out of that sound, or tone of voice and you can not interpret certain tones. Test documentaries, news reports, news.
Before recording something, please, look at the text. Make a reading prior to the recording. If you go with what you put on, it's like going out naked in the snow.
When it comes to learning dubbing your thing is that you go to courses or dubbing academies.
I am going to comment a little on this topic. Dubbing courses are very expensive, and of short duration. There is no career with which you get to be a bender.
In Spain the best dubbing schools are in Madrid and Barcelona. You have the AM Voice School.
Speaking of the work sector of dubbing, I can only say, for acquaintances who are dedicated to it, that it is quite difficult. It is a practically closed market, since the majority of voices that are heard on TV or movies are already taken by people. They do not usually innovate the voices because viewers do not like the change of their Bruce Weelis with another voice that is not mythical. In addition, the same voice is used in several characters. They are afraid that a new voice is bad and does not like it.
By Ignacio de Juan.
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